You know, Zach loves reading. And loves games. And… it’s time.
Took about 1/2 an hour to unearth the books. Granted, nowadays 2nd edition is a tad outdated, but it’s a great place to start.
A man out of society. Lost in his own world.
You know, Zach loves reading. And loves games. And… it’s time.
Took about 1/2 an hour to unearth the books. Granted, nowadays 2nd edition is a tad outdated, but it’s a great place to start.
What are they?
Those. Are second edition AD&D manuals.
Hmm I still don’t know what they are? Just curious…
He seems pretty interested.
Ah, found it on Wikipedia..
Oh man.
So when will he join a game? 🙂
Need any spares to fill out his collection? I really need to get rid of my 2nd Ed. stuff…
I wouldn’t call 2nd ed “outdated” any more than I’d call Monopoly outdated – it’s still just as viable a system as it was when it came out. And if I were going to run a D&D game, I’d probably use 2nd ed, since that’s what I’ve got on hand (although I’d be far more likely to use GURPS than any other system for a game I was running).
And MRF – if you’ve got 2nd ed books you’re giving away, I’ll give them a good home (and pay for postage) if you’re willing to pass them on to a friend of a friend, rather than someone you know personally.