I started collecting handheld computers ‘officially’ in 2016, after I realized the piles of gear I’ve collected over the years constituted a small museum.
It’s easy for a collection to get out of hand. There’s so much stuff out there, and ebay is so vast, it’s important to put limits on what you’re putting together. For me, I have a limited amount of space, so focusing on handheld machines made it possible to build a collection, but not take up gobs of space.

To be considered for the Vintage Handheld Computer Collection, a device must be:
- a ‘computer’ in the sense it is programmable and can run pre-loaded or configured instructions in sequence.
- must run on or be capable of running on internal batteries
- be a ‘handheld’ in that it can be used one handed or very lightly with two hands (such as a tablet or PDA). This definition can flex dependent on the ‘interestingness’ of the item.
- should predate Windows 95 (This is not a hard limit – if something is interesting / special enough, I’ll go for it)
- be significant in some way – represent a new direction of technology or tools (first / early version), or have a large scale impact on the handheld ecosystem (most popular / most successful)
Handheld computers already in the collection
- Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 (Original equipment)
- Apple Newton Handhelds:
- Apple Newton H1000 / MP100 / “Original MessagePad” or OMP (Acquired 11/20/2017)
- Apple Newton Messagepad 110
- Apple Newton Messagepad 130 (Acquired 11/2/2017)
- Apple Newton 2000
- Apple Newton 2100 (Acquired 11/15/2017)
- Apple eMate 300 (Acquired 11/16/2017)
- Apple Newton 110 “Clear Developers Sampler”
- Palm devices:
- Original first generation Palmpilot
- Palm Treo 650
- Zire
- Palm VIIx
- Sony Clie PEG-NX60
- Visor
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 102
- Toshiba Libretto 100CT (Acquired 9/30/2017)
- Psion Organiser II (Acquired 10/2/2017)
- Psion Series 3a (Acquired 10/2/2017)
- TRS-80 PC-1 Pocket Computer (Acquired 10/3/2017)
- Cambridge Computer Z88 Laptop Computer (Acquired 10/16/2017)
- HP 95LX Palmtop PC
- HP 200LX
- TI 74 Basicalc (Acquired 12/1/2017)
- Atari Portfolio (Acquired 11/30/2017)
- Nixdorf LK-3000 (Acquired 12/13/2017)
- Compaq H3900 Model 3955 iPaq Pocket pc
- Compaq H3600 Model 3650 iPaq Pocket pc
- Texas Instruments TI Programmable 59 Calculator
- Blackberry 7750
- Sharp Wizard OZ-7000 (Acquired 1/9/2018)
- Curta Type 1 Handheld Calculator (Acquired 3/24/2017)
- Dauphin DTR-1 (Acquired 11/1/2017)
- HP 75C Handheld Computer (Acquired 7/11/2018
- Nokia N770 Linux Handheld (Acquired 8/16/2019)
- Epson HX-20
- Epson PX-8
- Compaq iPaq H3900 with keyboard
- OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) XO-1 (I worked with the OLPC G1G1 program)
- Sinclair ZX80 (Acquired 10/1/2021)
- Grid GridPad – First useful tablet computer
- WorkSlate WK-100
- HP-28S
Handheld Games
- Atari Lynx
- Mattel Electronics Football
- Mattel Electronics Basketball
- Mattel Electronics Auto Race
- Canon X-07
- Casio PB-80
- HP-65 Calculator (First programmable calculator)
- HP-41C Calculator (First programmable with alphanumeric display)
- Psion Organizer I
- Psion Series 5x
- Grid Compass 1101
- IBM PC110
- IBM 730te
- Zeos Pocket PC
- Tandy Zoomer
- Poqet PC
- Seiko UC-2000 / UC-2100 / UC-2200 Data Terminal Watch
- IBM Simon – First smartphone
- Commodore SX-64
- Curta Model 2
- Casio CD-40 Databank Watch
- Radio Shack Model 200
Other Wishlist items – not necessarily ‘portables’
- Northern Telecom Displayphone Plus
- DEC Gigi aka VK100 (with a Barco monitori would be amazing)
- DEC MicroPDP11 in floor case (Acquired 3/5/2022!)
- AT&T 605 ASCII terminal (I had like 4 of these at one point, i miss ’em)
- AT&T 3b1 / 7300 / UnixPC hardware of any type. I actually have a machine on the way for me, but always looking for boards and accessories. (Acquired 5/1/2022!)