Notifications on all Logins on a Linux Host

Putting this one out there because I spent some time surfing various Well Known Sites and couldn’t find a complete answer.

We had a need to log whenever users logged into a production host – just a notification send to the admins saying someone was on one of the production boxes.  The other requirement was to have it be low impact – didn’t need a ton of monitoring packages installed, etc.

The result is a pair of scripts.

The first is ‘’:

 # Nov  6 13:35:25 inf-1 sudo: dshevett : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/etc/munin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/etc/init.d/munin-node restart
 AGO=`date "+%b %e %R" -d "1 min ago"`
 grep "$AGO" /var/log/auth.log | grep 'session opened for user' | grep -v CRON > /tmp/$TMPFILE
 grep "$AGO" /var/log/auth.log | grep 'sudo:'| grep -v pam >> /tmp/$TMPFILE
 cat /tmp/$TMPFILE | /tools/sysconf/scripts/mail_if_not_empty "[]"
 rm /tmp/$TMPFILE

This simply looks for some patterns within the auth.log file. The only real trick here is making a date formatted string that is ‘one minute ago’. If this script is run once a minute via a cron job, it’ll send mail within a minute of someone logging into the host.

The other script is a simple utility tool I use for most of my cron jobs called ‘mail_if_not_empty’:

 cat >  $TMPFILE
 if [ -s $TMPFILE ]

Super-duper simple, it just sends mail if there's any output.  This makes sure that mail will only be generated if anything interesting happens.


A wandering geek. Toys, shiny things, pursuits and distractions.

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