Guilty pleasure

I have to admit, I’m a big fan of Dance Dance Revolution, or just ‘DDR’ for short. In premise, it sounds like a bad joke. “Okay, so you stand in front of this computer, on these pads, see, and it shows you the steps to make in time with the music. When it lights up, you step on the arrow. Keep up with the music and the steps, and your score goes up. You get scored on timing. You can compete against someone else at the same time, too!”
Wow, how… uninviting-sounding.
But in reality, this game is a -hoot-. It’s far more social than I expected (as in, it’s a lot more fun to play when either you’re playing with someone else, or with a group of people). It’s a helluva lot of exercise. A half hour of playing and you’re generally drenched with sweat. Fortunately we have a big room wit a big TV in it, so folks can sit around and watch and have fun, as we did last night.
Arora and I just took a midday break and played for about 45 minutes. Fun! It’s great when the two players are in sync, and keep up with each other and the game.
Now, back to work, but I’m sure we’ll hit it some more later.
For folks who know this game, we’re playing Konamix on a Playstation 1. Absolutely prehistoric by DDR standards, but for us newbies and wannabees, this is just right.


A wandering geek. Toys, shiny things, pursuits and distractions.

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2 thoughts on “Guilty pleasure

  1. now all we need are instruction sheets on how to make the playstation work in there… maybe it’s time to reshuffle the electronics, make all the IR receivers work from all viewing seats, and make it easier (or at least clearly documented for the non-techies) to shift from one video/audio source to another…

  2. Aha… okay, I can do that. It’s not that difficult (In fact it’s probably simpler than any other thing in there), but I can whip something up!

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