Well, finally did it.

Today I gave my employers final notice that I’m leaving as of Wednesday of next week. That means the dreaded exit interview, and all that jazz.
They’re really in a hard place, and I wish my teammates well, but I have to get out of there. It’s doing me no good to hang on there, and I’ve already gone 5 weeks -past- when I said i was leaving, and even THAT date was 3 months notice. They’re still understaffed. *sigh*
Now all I need is customers.

Mmm. Biodiesel.

Hey, someone’s on the right track! Arora just pointed out this article about Harvard University installing a Biodiesel station in Cambridge. This is pretty cool, though it looks like it’s not a public station.
Why is this important to me? Well, I drive a VW Golf with a TDI (Turbo Diesel Injection) engine in it. It’s a wonderful car, and I get obscene miles on it (about 45mpg)… this is great for a car that has a heckuva lot of torque for only a 93hp engine.

Continue reading “Mmm. Biodiesel.”