How not to compliment a photographer

Not too long ago an acquaintance of mine asked if I would do them a favor and come  photograph their event.  No problem, I enjoy shooting, and any chance to work is an opportunity to improve my skill.   I went to the event, spent a few hours taking pictures, and had a great interaction with everyone.  Later on I sat down and did all my post processing, tuning, and polishing – a process that can take hours, depending on the size of the shoot and the complexity of the imagery.  

Zach at arisia
Zach at Arisia
This particular event wasn’t that difficult, and I ended up with several dozen shots I was pretty happy with.   I published the pictures and sent the link out.  Over the next day or two, I got good feedback from the event coordinator and several attendees.

One message I got was simply this…

“These pictures are beautiful!  That sure is a great camera!”

Needless to say, this pushed my buttons.

If you’re a photographer, and  understand why this statement could be irritating, feel free to skip the following rant.

In the modern age of high pixel count cell phones, cheap high resolution point and shoot cameras, and “entry level” DSLRs, even the simplest, auto-everything, “shoot and post” pictures can come out looking great.   But whether you get a good picture or not with these tools alone is, frankly, luck.  Sure, you could get a great picture – but that’s mostly the result of chance.  Please don’t assume that’s what I do.

I am a photographer (among other things).  I spend a lot of time thinking about framing, light, setting, angles, subjects, and timing.  When I take pictures, sure, I take zillions (a typical hour or two shoot can result in 500+ exposures).  But to me a photographers’ art consists of an end to end process that may take days.   The camera is one of the tools in that process, but saying things like “that sure is a great camera!” while it may be true, really diminishes the work that goes into creating really good imagery.

So folks, next time you see a picture by someone you know is a photographer, compliment them on the picture, or better yet, on their skill, not on the camera.

Today, I tried to read a book.

I tried. I really did try.

Books books books
Books books books

The book is “The Republic of Thieves” by Scott Lynch, third in the Gentlemen Bastards series. A neighbor had a copy here, and he loaned it to me.

I’ve been reading books on my phone for years now. This is the first time I only had a physical copy for quite some time… and a hardcover to boot.

“Heck, why not”, I thought. “It’s been a while, and people go on about how reading digital books just ain’t the same. Lets give it a whirl.”

Except… it wouldn’t fit in my backpack, so I couldn’t have it with me at work, where I usually sit and read during lunch. It stayed at home.   When I had some spare time at skating, it wasn’t there.  Didn’t have it with me when I went out for a burger tonight… so nope, not then. The only time I had access to it is at home, maybe just before I go to sleep, when I usually check my mail, do my last gaming, and spend some time with my sweetie.

But through all those times, I did have my phone with me.

I returned the book to my neighbor, and bought a digital version on Amazon.

Now I’ll get to read it.