My kid has had to suffer with me going through various fascinations and projects, so when they learned I was doing woodturning, I got a request for something.
“Hey, make me a cup or something?”
“Er, like… what kind / what for?”
“Anything really. I’d just like to have something you made. How about something to put my guitar picks in?”
(quiet moment while I try to figure out how I ended up with a 20 year old that talks to their Dad like this)
“Sure thing.”
So I found some old cedar wood, turned it into a simple cup on my Shopsmith, stained and poly coated it, and voila!

I’m learning lots. I need to sharpen my tools (I have the grinder and jig, just need to set it up), and I need to raise my lathe up a few inches so I’m not stooping. But so far, I’m thoroughly enjoying this stuff. And my kid asked me for something. Not too bad.